Adverse credit, including DMPs: Precise Mortgages specialises in adverse credit cases, accepting clients with historical issues such as Debt Management Plans (DMPs). This flexibility allows brokers to find solutions for clients who may struggle with mainstream lenders.
1 year’s self-employment and no averaging: Precise understands that not all self-employed clients have lengthy trading histories. For clients with just one year’s self-employment or a short trading record, they offer tailored options, making it easier for clients in the early stages of their business to secure finance.
Age flexibility: If the second applicant’s income is not required for affordability, lending can extend up to the age of 85. This is a great option for brokers dealing with older clients or those planning ahead for later life.
Unlimited capital raising: Whether it’s for debt consolidation, home improvements, or other financial needs, Precise allows for unlimited capital raising, giving clients greater flexibility in how they use the equity in their home.
New build flats up to 20 stories: Offering mortgage solutions for high-rise flats, Precise can lend on new build flats up to 20 stories, opening doors for clients looking to buy in city centres and newer developments.
Right to Buy (RTB): Precise offers dedicated mortgage products for council tenants wishing to exercise their Right to Buy, helping brokers serve clients looking to transition into homeownership.
Interest only to 65% LTV: For clients seeking lower monthly payments, Precise provides interest-only mortgages up to 65% LTV. This can be combined with part and part to 75% LTV, offering a flexible solution for clients who wish to balance capital repayment and interest-only elements.
Specialist new build criteria: They cater to clients purchasing new build properties with criteria tailored to the specific needs of this sector, including flexibility on builder incentives and high-rise flats.