01275 399299

Our Services

We Offer Three Tiers of Service

Whether you need someone to take on your difficult and time-consuming cases, or you simply need help packaging, Manor can help. 
Read our case studies to see how we’ve helped others place complex cases. 

Tier One: Refer a Client 

Introduce your difficult and time-consuming cases to Manor.

In busy periods, you may not have the capacity to process more difficult/time-consuming cases. Instead of potentially losing out on insurance income, procuration, and client fees, introduce these customers to Manor.

Additionally, when a case is rejected by a High Street lender, you need to find a specialist lender. This process is often arduous and frustrating but importantly it’s a distraction from other cases, which you find more fulfilling and profitable. Even if you end up placing the case, the processing is difficult. The bottom line is, these cases are, at best, an inefficient use of your time, and, at worst, a complete waste of your time which ends with an unhappy customer and zero income.

Why take on the aggravation, when you can earn half the proc fee and half your completion fee, and we do all the work. We will liaise with the customer directly, offering research, placement, and advice.

Tier Two: Research, Placement, and Processing

The easy way to find a home for your challenging cases.

Struggling to find a lender and product for a customer with difficult circumstances? Or are you overloaded with work? Enquire with Manor to get a quick answer on whether we can help you place these cases.

Often difficult cases are more time-consuming yet produce little extra income. It is, therefore, logical to subcontract the effort spent on these cases to a third-party who will charge the client separately, allowing you to concentrate on your bread-and-butter business.
We will provide full product availability details, including an illustration if required. Additionally, we will fully process the case obtaining all information and documents either from you or directly from the client. Once the case is offered, a full document pack will be sent to you, to complete your compliance file.

We will charge a total fee of £500 to the client (staggered throughout the process). You will receive your normal procuration fee, plus any completion fee within 48 hours of completion. Any broker fees can be collected by Manor and processed directly to you.

Tier Three: Outsourced Processing

Save up to 7 hours of your time spent processing cases by outsourcing to Manor.

We offer a processing-only service, which is free of charge. You will receive the same procuration fee as you would receive if going to the lender directly, and your client will pay no additional fees whatsoever. In this case, you will have already identified that the case meets the criteria of the chosen lender.

Our underwriting department has years of experience with processing cases for specialist lenders. We will complete the AIP, to confirm that the lender chosen will accept the case. The application will be processed in the same way as above.

Have a Case?

If you have a case that fits into one of our Three Tiers, don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Manor Mortgage Solutions